Students build Bookmoji avatars and get matched with great books
Explore thousands of titles
Create personal wishlists for independent reading
Families access students’ wishlists via QR codes
Easily purchase hardcover and paperback books online
Choose from books selected by their own students
No cost to participate, no minimum purchase required
Customizable 5k book collection
20% Bookelicious Credit for each PopUp Shop purchase
Bookelicious is now booking PopUp Shops for Spring, Summer, and Fall 2025
Reserve a spot for your school today!
Questions? Please email or call 833-204-6787
A. A Bookelicious PopUp Shop is a virtual book fair experience where students explore and select books from a curated, customizable “Book Universe” of over 5,000 high-interest titles. Using interactive technology, students build custom Bookmoji avatars and receive personalized book recommendations, based on their individual interests, to ignite their love of reading. After browsing their Bookmoji book recommendations, clicking links to explore related titles, and/or searching the full Book Universe to find books that are just right for them, students create wishlists of their favorite titles. Student’s personal wishlists are shared with their families who can use them to purchase physical books for their home libraries. And schools benefit by receiving a 20% credit for every PopUp Shop purchase which can be reinvested in other literacy initiatives.
A. Studies show that when students have access to a diverse selection of engaging, personally interesting titles, and the freedom to choose their own books, their motivation to read increases. This boost in reading interest is linked to improved academic outcomes. Bookelicious leverages these findings to create a fun, impactful reading experience designed to increase time spent reading and support academic success. Read the research here.
A. Schools can offer students books from our “Book Universe” – a hand-curated, customizable collection of more than 5,000 titles. This engaging, diverse collection is designed to ensure there’s something for every young reader.
A. Prior to the event, your school or district can review the Book Universe list of recommended titles and tailor that collection based on price, grade band, topic and/or specific ISBNs. This customization ensures that the available titles reflect your community’s voice and meet its unique needs and interests.
A. Our collection is thoughtfully curated to represent a wide range of cultures, experiences, and perspectives. By offering books that reflect the diversity of your students, Bookelicious helps every student see themselves in the stories they read.
A. Students log in securely through a Single Sign-On (SSO) system. Currently, Bookelicious partners with Clever and ClassLink. This integration allows students to use their existing school credentials for a seamless experience.
A. Bookmojis are interactive, personalized avatars that students create. They provide customized book recommendations based on each student’s individual interests and grade level, making the process of discovering new books engaging and fun.
A. Yes! Bookelicious PopUp Shops are scalable. Whether you’re hosting an event for a single school or an entire district, each PopUp Shop is fully customizable to meet the specific needs of your students and community.
A. During the PopUp Shop, every purchase made earns your school a promotional credit equal to 20% of that purchase (excluding the cost of sales tax). In addition, for purchases made by families and friends using a designated giveback code throughout the school year, your school earns an extra 10% in credit (excluding the cost of sales tax and shipping). These credits—redeemable toward future Bookelicious purchases—are valid for two years from the event’s close date.
A. No. There is no minimum order or revenue requirement, making Bookelicious PopUp Shops accessible and beneficial for schools of all sizes.
A. Yes. Families may use the designated giveback code to earn school credits on additional purchases made through the Bookelicious website throughout the school year. Bookelicious eGift cards are also available for those who wish to share the experience with teachers, librarians, or friends.
A. Families can conveniently pay using ApplePay, GooglePay, Venmo or credit card.
A. Books are delivered to your school approximately four weeks after the PopUp Shop closes. This timeline allows us to package orders by classroom and by individual student for easy distribution.
A. All books are shipped directly to your school at no cost. Orders are organized by classroom and by student, ensuring a smooth and efficient distribution process once the books arrive.
A. Approximately 10 days after your PopUp Shop closes, your Promotional Credits will be automatically added to your school ambassador's account as Bookelicious Store Credit. For book purchases on our website, simply redeem this credit during checkout in the "Payment" section. For non-book purchases—such as Bookelicious Presents virtual author events or other programs—please contact us at to apply your credits.
A. Bookelicious Credit can be used towards the purchase of books or Bookelicious programs. We offer virtual author events, in-person assemblies with John Schu, professional development, and updating library collections through School Library Refreshes.
A. We recommend scheduling your event at least two months in advance. This lead time allows for smooth SSO integration, gives students time to create their Bookmojis, and ensures that the book selection process is stress-free.
A. Bookelicious provides comprehensive support throughout the setup process. Our team will work closely with your IT department to ensure seamless integration with your SSO system and will assist with any technical issues that arise before or during the PopUp Shop event.
A. Our dedicated support team is available throughout the PopUp Shop. Should any issues occur—whether with login, navigation, or purchases—please guide them to email
A. Getting started is simple. Contact your Bookelicious representative or email Our team will guide you through every step, from setup to post-event credit redemption.
A. For further assistance or inquiries, please reach out to your dedicated Bookelicious representative or contact our customer support team at We’re here to ensure that your PopUp Shop is a success.