Clare Landrigan’s Collections

Educator, Author, Coach, and Founder of Landrigan Literacy Consulting, LLC. Clare Landrigan is a teacher at heart. She believes that professional learning should center students, including side-by-side teaching in classrooms, respect, trust, and a good dose of laughter. Her work is customized to meet the needs of the district, school, and teacher. You can find her at

Books create space for caregivers to invite children into a topic that may be challenging for them to articulate their feelings about and discuss. Books naturally scaffold and differentiate when we read with our kids, let them take the lead in conversations, and give them options for response like art, building, movement, discussion, and quietude. Here are some topics caregivers often request titles for and some texts I recommend to broaden the perspective on the topic so young readers can find mulitple connections and points of entry for response:


Ten Beautiful Things
Grandpa's Stories
Calling the Wind: A Story of Healing and Hope


Brave Molly
Punky Aloha
I Am Okay to Feel
Butterflies on the First Day of School


Danbi Leads the School Parade (Danbi)
Can I Give You a Squish?
We Don't Eat Our Classmates (A Penelope Rex Book #1)
Beautiful Oops!
Together We Ride


A Map Into the World
El Cucuy Is Scared, Too! (El Cucuy)
Home Is in Between
Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle
I Feel!: A Book of Emotions (I Will!)


Big Red Lollipop
Party Hearty Kitty-Corn (Kitty-Corn)

Picture Book Biography Collections

Learning about people who impact our world is compelling and empowering. The more people we encounter as we read, the more possibilities we see for how we can use our strengths to change the world. These picture books are collections of people who are history makers.  Each text is organized around a theme, topic, time in history or character trait.  It is important for young readers to read nonfiction literature within and beyond the content area curriculum. Students need to have choice in their nonfiction reading to nurture their curiosity and passions.  These texts are perfect for independent reading, partner reading, read-aloud, and book clubs!

Tenacious: Fifteen Adventures Alongside Disabled Athletes
In the Spirit of a Dream: 13 Stories of American Immigrants of Color
Yes We Will: Asian Americans Who Shaped This Country
Bravo!: Poems about Amazing Hispanics
Stand Up!: 10 Mighty Women Who Made a Change
Lift Every Voice and Change: A Sound Book: A Celebration of Black Leaders and the Words That Inspire Generations
No Voice Too Small: Fourteen Young Americans Making History
No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change
Voices of Justice: Poems about People Working for a Better World (Who Did It First?)
We Can: Portraits of Power
Go Show the World: A Celebration of Indigenous Heroes
Amazing: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Who Inspire Us All
A is for Aretha
Rebel Girls Climate Warriors: 25 Tales of Women Who Protect the Earth (Rebel Girls Minis)
The Wonders We Seek: Thirty Incredible Muslims Who Helped Shape the World
Notable Native People: 50 Indigenous Leaders, Dreamers, and Changemakers from Past and Present
Justice Rising: 12 Amazing Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement
Little Heroes of Color: 50 Who Made a Big Difference
New Royalty: Hoop Kings (Sports Royalty)
Hoop Kings (Sports Royalty)
Hoop Queens (Sports Royalty)
Soccer Queens (Sports Royalty)
Nice Jewish Girls
Kind Like Marsha: Learning from LGBTQ+ Leaders
Rainbow Revolutionaries: 50 LGBTQ+ People Who Made History
Queer Heroes: Meet 53 LGBTQ Heroes from Past and Present!
Portraits of Hispanic American Heroes
Latinitas: Celebrating 40 Big Dreamers

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